Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The 9th Hour

Stacey was feeling a bit of a headache and a little shaky, so our third nurse of the day offered her a feast!!!

(I think that it sort of looks like she is sticking her tongue out in the picture, even though it's just the popsicle.)

As you can see, a feast at this point is merely a strawberry-lemonade popsicle (with real fruit!).
We're still hanging in there and laughing along the way. As the nurse went to get the feast, I asked Stacey if she even asked what flavor she'd like. No was the answer. And in unison, we replied: "Anything but grape!" Our kid is going to have great taste.


Unknown said...

Love it!

Unknown said...

MMM - forbidden $10 popsicle....Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

You really look great!
As Shane said Sunday "Hang in there!"
Should I bring you that poster to hang up in the room?

Maddykay said...

Hey, I was a bit shaky and cold and the anesthesiologist came in and just "tweaked" the epidural fluid a bit and I was a happy camper. You're doing great!

Girls group says "Go Stacey!"

Jeff and Steph said...

What a champ!!

Unknown said...

you look great stacey! hang in there! :)

Andy said...

Hey guys! This is very exciting...I know I'm behind the times but I just found out a few minutes ago that you were in the hospital! Sounds like things are progressing very well....thanks for keeping up the blog. I'll be checking it often.
Stacey - You're lookin' great, girl! Your son will be here before you know it!
