Saturday, May 8, 2010

Spring Update

The Bouses have been busy this past month! (Apologies for not updating the blog sooner.) Things are in full swing with Adam at Conner Prairie. I (Stacey) started working part-time at the beginning of April, so Jack and I have been adjusting to our new schedule. Jack also started going to a new daycare, which he has been loving, and he has been enjoying/tolerating storytime with me. He's also talking a lot more these days - favorite words are "outside" & "Beth" (our neighbor). He tries to say "cup" but it's comes out "puh", and he's mastering "milk" and "book", but the K sound comes out really funny-sort of sounds like he's speaking Hebrew. I'll have to get it on video sometime :) Here are some cute photos of Jack from the past month or so.

Adam bought Jack a tee ball set

Jack doesn't get it quite yet

We had a family trip to the Muncie Children's Museum

And to the library (can't you tell??) Jack was really excited about the vending machines, stopped, and said "Cheese!"

Just being cute & silly at home

I love it when Jack puts on sunglasses. So freakin' cute! Even if they are upside down :)

Enjoying breakfast with mommy - eating out of the frying pan he brought from the kitchen. (I have to be creative & flexible sometimes...this staying-at-home stuff is an adjustment for me, too!)

Jack has also figured out crafty ways to get to things on the countertops (like Daddy's homemade strawberry-rhubarb pie.) Here he has opened the cabinet and pulled out the bottom drawer to stand on. Crafty.

After just a few weeks of this part-time business, I got to go away for a Girls' Weekend with these beautiful ladies. (Beth, Carolyn and Darbi) Carolyn's folks have a little cottage near Lake Michigan, so we were able to go there and relax for a few days. It. was. awesome. We ate tons of junk food and watched a few chick flicks. Most of Saturday was spent touring open houses of cottages for sale. Well, not just "cottages" - $3 million Lake-front homes! Fun fun fun!

(There's the Lake!)


Jeff and Steph said...

Wow!!! Fun weekend for you!!! That looks awesome! Fun girls too! Love the vending machine pic!!! He looks so proud!

Unknown said...

Loving the "Dream" picture. You look so very relaxed!

I very much enjoyed and chuckled at your commentary of all the Jack photos. Thanks for the narrative!