Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Some random photos...

Well, there hasn't been much going on in Jack's world lately ... just the same old "eat, play, nap, repeat" schedule. He did spend some time with his Grandma Roundtree last week while Adam & I went out to dinner. (Thanks, Sue!) He also met some more of my family and Adam's family in the past couple of weeks. And tonight he'll get to go meet his friend Caroline, who was just born this morning! Anyhow, here are some photos I thought were cute:

lovin' the bouncy seat

working something out

giving me the "crazy eyebrow"
(which reminds me of his Grandpa Bouse every time is raises)

enjoying tummy time

hanging with Daisy

so calm & happy during a bath

That's it for now... Jack has begun his 2nd month of life, so surely there will be some exciting things coming up. I have a week and a half left of maternity leave, so maybe we'll have some adventures to write about shortly :)


The Way EYE See It... said...

crazy eyebrow looks sort of like angry eyebrow...

great photos!

Jeff and Steph said...

I love how he's lookin' at 'cha during his bath... so cute!

Unknown said...

I do enjoy the "crazy eyebrow."